
FBCS Speaker Series

Join us this year as we present a series of virtual speaking events addressing important topics related to raising children in the 21st century. We hope to inform, empower, and encourage parents and families as they learn to navigate the unique atmosphere of today's world.
"Raising Passionate Jesus Followers"
with Phil and Diane Comer of Intentional Parents Ministry

Day: October 14, 2021
Time: 7-8 PM

About our presenters:
In 2004, Phil & Diane Comer, along with their son John Mark, planted Solid Rock, A Jesus Church (now known as Westside A Jesus Church). Over the years, God moved powerfully and now there is a growing network of churches along the Westcoast called A Jesus Church Family. After raising four kids who are all walking with Jesus, Phil & Diane were commissioned by the elders with the task of teaching parents how to raise passionate Jesus followers." Visit for more information.
    • Phil and Diane Comer

      Phil and Diane Comer